you’re not crazy

September is Self- Care month and I’ve been thinking about what “Self- Care” actually means to me.

The concept of “self- care” has pretty much taken over the world.

Right now, you can literally find everyone on social media, drinking smoothies, applying face masks, maybe getting their nails done, or indulging in some other type of outwardly spa treatment called “self- care.” Don’t get me wrong… chiiile, I love a good face mask, but over the last year, as the world, and my responsibilities have changed, I’ve been forced to look at my self-care from a different perspective.

It all started around the time I made the choice to focus on my TOTAL health.

The health industry considers the following as basic activities of daily living:

  1. Personal Hygiene

  2. Dressing

  3. Eating

  4. Elimination

  5. Movement

If you follow me on instagram, you know I speak about these 5 topics frequently.

But to be honest, dealing with the basics wasn’t enough…. I wanted more…. I needed something better.

And if you can relate then you’re also tired of hearing people say…. don’t worry …“ you’ll figure it out…”

LET”S ALL BE HONEST- when you’re stressed about life…. you CAN’T - just “figure it out”.

You need real tools that actually work!

Not living up to your potential- SUUUUUUCKS!!!!

It’s a level of low, that’s detrimental to your health.

I’ve been there and this confusion had me in a really weird space. Although, I could not put my finger on what was actually holding me back.

I knew I could get over it, and that I definitely wasn’t crazy.

So what did I do?

I wrote MYSELF a prescription!

The first step was to actually take care of myself. All the things I would do for others went to me FIRST.

STEP 1: Take a “health-break” and focus on your soul. This is part where I eliminated distractions and recharged.

How many of you have ever had to sit down and take your own advice?

What did you say to yourself? Let’’s keep the conversation going.

Love, Trina


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